Task 1: Mail Online review of Capital

Re-read the Mail Online review of Capital. Why does it suggest that Capital features a left-wing ideology?

By mentioning the "Muslim man whose only crime was to burn the odd Union Jack was dragged off to the cells by anti-terror police who were, naturally, bigoted and faceless," the reviewer claims that Capital is a show that supports left-wing ideologies. According to the reviewer's point of view, the anti-terror police are stereotypically portrayed as the bad guys while the Muslim man is painted as the innocent bystander. According to this perspective, police are typically portrayed as the bad guys.

Choose three quotes from the review that are particularly critical of Capital and paste them into your blogpost. Do you agree with the criticisms? Why?

"The only message on the cards was, "We want what you have." But that idea never fully realized." As the postcards were the primary focus of the show, I believe this to be very important. The show's advertised postcard plot, in my opinion, went nowhere and had no sense of closure or consequences for the characters.

"There was no story in the final 20 minutes. Any previous tales were now history. Just now, we observed the characters bidding each other farewell "I completely agree with this point, as I experienced no sense of closure when the cast parted ways.

I fully agree with the statement that the show "started with such a great display, but by the finish we were left staring at the proverbial damp squib." The first episode of the show did a great job of setting up the main plot while also introducing sub-plots and supporting cast members in a timely manner. However, watching the second felt tedious, and the only moment that made me smile was when the polish builder realised that pursuing different girls had been a waste of time. This scene is particularly potent due to the soundtrack and the absence of dialogue.

What scenes or characters from Capital could be read as promoting left-wing ideology?

The relatable tale of Quentina and her boyfriend as well as how she depicted being deported realistically. Rodger sympathises with the family and remarks that they are not very different from one another in the petition scene to draw attention to the unjust arrest of one of the sons.

What about the other side of the argument - are there any aspects of Capital that reinforce right-wing or capitalist viewpoints?

Task 2: Media Factsheet - Applying Marxism 

Go to our Media Factsheet archive on the Media Shared drive and open Factsheet #66: Applying Marxism. Our Media Factsheet archive is on the Media Shared drive: M:\Resources\A Level or online here (you'll need your Greenford Google login to access). Read the factsheet and answer the following questions:

What does Marxism suggest regarding power in society?

Marxism suggests that the people in power are the conglomerates and rich, they do not think this is right and believe the power should be in the hands of the society, they want to share power amongst the people rather the 'elite'.

Why is The Apprentice a good example of the media reinforcing capitalist values and ideologies?

The show is an example of how people in the elite are in power to control what should be and what shouldn't be successfulAlan Sugar has all the power and is in a superior position.

Come up with two examples of media texts (e.g. TV programmes, newspapers etc.) that either fetishise working class life (e.g. EastEnders presents quite a harmonious East End community which probably doesn't accurately reflect East London life) or demonise working class life or poor people (e.g. The Daily Mail and The Sun newspapers regularly demonise people living on benefits with headlines referring to 'scroungers'.) Explain what meanings these texts communicate to their audiences.

'Rich House Poor House' Channel 5 show where a poor family swaps houses and lives with a rich family and vice versa.

'Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole' - Another channel 5 documentary that focuses on working class people on benefits. Exposes the harsh reality of what it's like to live on benefits and how tough having a working class background can be for some people.

Look at the bullet points on page 4 of the factsheet:

When making a Marxist reading of a text, look out for representations that:

  • show the values of the power elite as beneficial to the mass
Rodger and his lifestyle alongside his heavy dependence on the bonuses he receives in which is reinvested to renovating and improving the house leading to price of houses to go up.
  • show queries or challenges to the base as meaningless, foolish or anti-social via ‘failed revolt’
The Banksy painters assistant puts the last of the postcards through the door, was arrested for the harassment caused. 
  • show the subdominant position of the masses as a naturalised idea
The banker having some power or influence in the market is non-existent. His assistant putting the money in the stocks trying to help the mass and the banks fails as the stocks go down.
  • show the values of the power elite as ‘natural’ or ‘right’
The banker leaves his bonus with his bosses who control a lot of things, they are the elite. This is natural to him as he has always done this.
  • show that being a member of the mass is a good thing
The people leave the power with the banks, this makes the house prices go up keeping them better off.
  • show the masses accepting the values of the power elite
Everywhere the banker commutes there is no trouble, no ones causing problems on the train as they are all going to work. They are following the rules to maintain order which is what the elite want to maintain control of the masses.
  • show the values of the power elite as being ‘for the good of the masses’ (even when unpleasant)
Quentina has to wait for her letter to see if she's being deported or not, the austerity cuts and the pressure the councils are under may overlook her case. The cuts are put in place so debt could be payed off.


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