Read the whole of Factsheet and answer the following questions to show your comprehensive knowledge of the television drama genre:

What is serial television drama? Write your own definition.

 Serial television drama is defined as any television drama that is organised into a series of episodes, as opposed to one-off dramas.

List five of the TV dramas discussed in the history of the genre on page 1 of the factsheet. How has the genre evolved over time?

  • The avengers 
  • Danger man 
  • Minder
  • The Sweeney
  • Doctor who
The genre of TV shows that revolved around a group of individuals going out and shooting foreign villains and getting the girl at the end has become a concept of the past.

List the sub-genres of TV drama featured in the factsheet. Come up with your own example of an existing TV drama to fit each category.

  • Crime 
  • Medical 
  • Period 
  • Sci-fi 
  • Family
  • Teen 
  • Superhero 
  • Romance
  • Spoofs

Why is setting so important for TV drama?

The setting is important because it establishes what kind of characters may be in the drama, the setting also bring out the stereotypes of the character and family. The setting also allows the viewers to familiarise themselves to what they have been shown. 

How do TV dramas typically use character? What audience pleasures can be linked to character in TV drama? (Hint: Uses & Gratifications theory!)

TV Dramas typically use archetypal characters as the framework. Audiences recognise the characters and enjoy being able to relate to them or perhaps form a relationship with them.  

What is a multi-strand narrative? Give an example of a TV drama that features a multi-strand narrative.

A multi strand narrative is when a drama has multiple stories that all occur at the same revolving around a group of characters. Examples of this would be Breaking bad and friends.

What is a cold opening?

A cold opening is when the show begins a part of the scene to intrigue the viewers as it reveals the some characters, setting and introduces a part of the plot, this is all shown before the titles of the show.

How can Todorov's theory of equilibrium be applied to TV drama serials?

The seasons and episodes the drama can feature peace to begin with then lead it to disequilibrium, which then leads for the ending of the season having a new equilibrium or a cliff-hanger for the upcoming season

What is the typical form for TV dramas and how are the programmes typically distributed to an audience?

In the UK and US shows are usually between 30-45 min long with the rest being taken up by adverts.

How have subscription channels (such as HBO) and streaming services (such as Netflix and Amazon Prime) changed the form and content of TV dramas?

Because they are not subject to the same restrictions, drama serials on pay-cable channels like HBO, AMC, and Showtime can contain a lot more mature and difficult material. Additionally, because they are not required to follow strict timings, cable channels and services like Netflix and Amazon Prime frequently commission shorter runs.

Choose a TV drama and do your own analysis of it using the SETTING / CHARACTERS / NARRATIVE / FORM headings as featured on page 3 of the factsheet.

Breaking Bad is actually set where it's filmed, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. All characters are in the same country while this is being filmed. This is because of the storyline as the reason for the problem is in that country (the factory) this is done to familiarise the audience with the setting as breaking bad is a 6 season show.

There is an ensemble cast of a broken family with more focus put, originally on the husband and the wife as their relationship keeps changing in between the episodes.

The narrative of Breaking Bad follows Walter White, a modest high school chemistry teacher who transforms into a ruthless kingpin in the local methamphetamine drug trade, driven to financially provide for his family after being diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer.

How might the TV drama genre evolve in future?

TV dramas may evolve by becoming more feature length blockbusters or even in terms of Netflix the shows will release all seasons and episodes as that is what it has already started to do.


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